Smoky Chipotle Burger Patties

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There’s something profoundly satisfying about biting into a Smoky Chipotle Burger Patty, especially when it’s handmade and crafted at home. This isn’t just about the flavors, but the entire journey of creating a culinary masterpiece from scratch. So, what makes a homemade, handcrafted Smoky Chipotle Burger Patty stand out from the rest?

Firstly, the essence of any burger lies in the quality of its meat. When making patties at home, you have the luxury of selecting the freshest, highest-quality cuts. This ensures that the base of your burger is rich, juicy, and packed with natural flavors. Hand-mixing the meat allows for an even distribution of ingredients, ensuring that every bite is consistent in taste and texture.

The star ingredient, chipotle, brings a unique combination of smokiness and spiciness to the patty. When incorporated into the meat by hand, the dried and smoked jalapeño peppers infuse their robust flavors more deeply. The controlled heat and the smoky undertones of chipotle elevate the burger’s taste, making it a delightful treat for the palate.

Handmaking the patties also allows for the perfect blend of complementary herbs and spices. Fresh garlic, chopped onions, a hint of cumin, or a dash of smoked paprika can be adjusted to personal preferences, ensuring that the patty is not just spicy but also aromatic and flavorful.

Moreover, the tactile process of shaping the patties by hand ensures they have a rustic, uneven texture. This not only makes for a better sear when cooking but also creates little nooks and crannies that become crispy, adding another layer of texture to the burger.

Lastly, the sheer joy and pride of creating something with your hands add an intangible flavor to the meal. The time, effort, and love poured into crafting the perfect Smoky Chipotle Burger Patty make it taste all the more special.

In conclusion, a handmade Smoky Chipotle Burger Patty is not just a meal; it’s an experience. It embodies the passion for cooking, the appreciation for fresh ingredients, and the joy of savoring something crafted with care and love. And that’s what makes it irresistibly good.

Smoky Chipotle Burger Patties

Recipe by SamCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time






  • 1 pound ground beef

  • 3/4 whole panko bread crumbs

  • 1 tablespoon lime juice

  • 2 cloves garlic minced or grated

  • 2 in chipotle chiles adobo from a can minced

  • 1 teaspoon brown sugar

  • 8 teaspoons dried oregano

  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin

  • 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika

  • pinch of salt and pepper

  • 4 slices thick sharp cheddar cheese

  • 4 brioche burger buns toasted


  • In a large bowl combine ground beef, bread crumbs, lime juice, garlic, chiles, brown sugar, oregano, cumin, paprika, salt and pepper.
  • Form into 1/4 lb patties.
  • Place on heated grill and cooked till your preferred preference. Add cheese and top with your favorite hamburger condiments


  • This recipe contains too much oregano.

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